Export Guide
All products, services, and export destinations have unique opportunities and regulations, and as such, the process is always different.
Nevertheless, the starting point in order to achieve the internationalization of your company is to reach us!
It is important that once you have taken the decision to export you should have a product or service —preferably with a presence in the Costa Rican market. Join us following these steps:
We offer you different tools to facilitate the research process and learn about the different commercial opportunities that exist in international markets, so that your product can be exported successfully.
Before you export, know the following:
- Register yourself as an exporter at PROCOMER
- Technical Notes according to the exported product
- Origin certification in case of controlled certification
Negotiate with potential buyers. Request for support from PROCOMER’s International Offices.
Here we go! You're ready to make your product international.
Export Registration
If you're registering for the first time or renovating your registration, you can enter the following link. On both cases the requirements will be the same.
Recommended browsers:

Requirements for an exporter
The register has a validity of 2 years after the approval date.
- Photocopy on both sides of the ID, refugee ID or residency (you wont be able to register with the passport)
- Valid legal capacity (Personería Jurídica)
- You can obtain the legal capacity online at the National Registry (www.rnpdigital.com).
- Attach the photocopy of the valid IDs of the legal representatives.